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Fixtures & Results

Bluebirds vs EaglesPremier League2023
Eagles vs KangaroosPremier League2023
Kangaroos vs BluebirdsPremier League2023
Bluebirds vs EaglesPremier League2023
Eagles vs KangaroosPremier League2023
Spin vs Gujarat TitansPremier League2023
Spin vs AlligatorPremier League2023
Sharks vs GlamorganPremier League2023
Punjab Kings vs DurhamPremier League2023
Durham vs Gujarat TitansPremier League2023
Glamorgan vs Punjab KingsPremier League2023
Spin vs Punjab KingsPremier League2023
Sharks vs SpinPremier League2023
Durham vs SpinPremier League2023
Fortaleza CEIF vs PastoLiga BetPlay Dimayor2024 - 2
Fortaleza CEIF vs Santa FeLiga BetPlay Dimayor2024 - 2
América vs Fortaleza C.E.I.FLiga BetPlay Dimayor2024 - 2
Sharks vs Gujarat TitansPremier League2025